Unità Operativa di Otorinolaringoiatria POLICORO

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ENT Services

Our Services


For outpatients the ENT Unit has surgeries at both the Policoro Hospital and at the Tinchi Hospital (Marconia - Pisticci).
Otolaryngology: first visit or checkup; you can book calling the central reservation unit - CUP with the request of the General practitioners or pediatrician.
Phoniatric (Speech Pathology), first visit or checkup; you can book calling the central reservation unit - CUP with the request of the General practitioners or pediatrician.

For audiometric and vestibular tests: you can book calling the central reservation unit - CUP with prior examination and prescription of the ENT specialist and with the request of of the General practitioners or pediatrician.

Logopedic Rehabilitation:
it is available only with diagnosis and prescription of the phoniatric specialist/Speech Pathologist and the request of the General practitioners or pediatrician.

Hospitalization for elective surgery:
the patient is included in the waiting list by the Hospital ENT specialist.
Emergency hospitalization:
it is proposed by the Emergency doctor and it is authorized by the consulting ENT specialist
the urgency of visits criterion is established by the "Priority classes" of access to visits specialists according to Basilicata Region criteria reported in Annex 1
"Or for direct access prescribed by the ENTspecialist of our department.

The ward is located on the 1st floor Pavilion B (opposite Ophthalmology).

Day Hospital

Access to interventions in Day Hospital \ Day Surgery takes place after visiting ENT outpatient and inclusion on the waiting list. Performing minor surgery under local anesthesia that allow the discharge of the patient on the same day of hospitalization.
The Day Hospital is located in the ward at the 1st floor Pavilion B (opposite Ophthalmology).

Day Service
Place primarily therapeutic diagnose activity for upper respiratory sleep disorders - obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; balance and hearing disorders.

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