Unità Operativa di Otorinolaringoiatria POLICORO

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How to reach us

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How to reach us

from Matera and its province: reach the SS 106 and go towards Reggio Calabria

from Puglia: SS 106 - Ionica South direction - towards Reggio Calabria: exit at road sign "POLICORO Fire Department / Hospital"

from Calabria: SS 106 - Ionica North direction - towards Taranto: exit road sign "POLICORO Fire Department / Hospital"

from Low Potentino: Lagonegrese Area (Lagonegro / Lauria): take the Highway 653 Valley of Sinni until you reach the SS 106- Ionica

from High Potentino: Potenza and province: take the SS 407 Basentana towards Metaponto, take the SS 106 direction Reggio Calabria

from Matera and its province: reach the SS 106 and go towards Reggio Calabria

from Puglia: SS 106 - Ionica South direction - Reggio Calabria: exit MARCONIA-PISTICCI, along the provincial road for about 16 Km Pozzitello

from Calabria: SS 106 - Ionica North direction - Taranto: exit MARCONIA-PISTICCI, along the provincial road for about 16 Km Pozzitello
from Low Potentino: Lagonegrese Area (Lagonegro / Lauria): take the Highway 653 Valley of Sinni until you reach the SS 106- Ionica
from High Potentino: Potenza and province: take the SS 407 Basentana towards Metaponto, take the SS 106 direction Reggio Calabria

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